Wow, I just realized today that it has been quite awhile since I have blogged! We have been sooooo busy lately, its ridiculous. Winter semester finally ended, I ended up with 3 B's, 1 A, and 1 C. BOO! Stupid classes! I vowed to at least get all Bs for spring semester. So after the winter semester ended we had a nice week break. Then Michael's grandmother, Nana, came into town. Her and Adelaide share the same birthday so it was a really special time. We had a lot of fun. We celebrated two birthdays in one and had a blast! We had a good ole fashion Polish dinner which consisted of Borscht (basically beet soup), pierogies (kinda like dumplings), kielbasa, chocolate bread (it's really just pumpernickel bread), and cake (for the birthdays of course)! It was pretty delicious. I know beet soup sounds really disgusting but I have to admit it grows on ya. I really like it now. We had a blast with Adelaide opening presents. For some reason towards the end of the day she got really really cranky and wouldn't let anyone but me touch her or hold her. So alot of the pictures are me and her.

By far my favorite picture ever! she loved playing with the maracas and the bells...she went CRAZY! |
Nana's birthday present, it's a Willowtree couple dancing and Canon in D Major Plays on it. |
Nana's cake...we forgot to take a picture of it before all of the candles...LOL |
She has grown so much! I got a little teary-eyed later on that night when I realized that a whole year ago I pushed her out of me! It was an amazing experience and I love her sooo much! It really makes me appreciate my mother. I don't think anyone really understands what it takes to be a mom until they actually do it. It's hard! But worth every minute. Adelaide is saying a few more words now and is practically walking. She just needs to learn how to stand up on her own and she will have it down. She gives kisses and lovies to anything and everything...when she wants. She is such a blessing and I would happily do it again. Which reminds me, we're pregnant again!!! YAY!!!
I am about 13 weeks and going strong. For some reason I feel like it's a boy, so instead of calling the baby "it," I call it "him." LOL I had a dream it would be a girl but I just feel strongly that it's a boy. I have been sick since about 7 weeks and man thats rough. I have to constantly eat or I will throw up, which is weird because I have lost 5lbs so far. Everything seems to be going really well, I have another appointment on monday. We will probably found out that he is a boy at the end of June, it's just kind of how my appointments are lining up. But we are super excited and glad to bring another child into this world. I hope Adelaide will be okay with it. (;
I am in full swing of spring semester. I am taking 12 credits and so far doing pretty good. I mean it's only been about 3 weeks so everyone is doing great at that point. I have almost all online classes so it's really difficult. I have a lot of work and little time to do it. For the first couple of weeks Mike didn't have anything but work so he was able to spend more time with Adelaide. But he has started his CDL schooling and is really only home for about 10 minutes before he has to leave again. His CDL school starts at 7:30am and it's in IF, so he leaves pretty early. He gets home from that at about 4pm and then promptly has to leave for work about 15 minutes later. He doesn't get home from work until about 1am. So like I said, he is home for about 10 minutes. I usually keep Adelaide awake until he gets home so he can see her but by that time she is ready for a nap and is super cranky. So he usually just says hi and then puts her down for a nap. He is working really really hard and I appreciate it so much. As hard as it is on me, I'm sure it's twice as hard for him. He is a great man and I am lucky to have him! I spend a lot of time cleaning, cooking, taking care of Addi, and doing homework. Mike's CDL class only lasts for 6 weeks and we get him on the weekends so hopefully it'll go by really fast. After he finishes that he will apply for linework jobs here and there. Whether or not he gets one quickly depends on if in the meantime he will drive a truck around here for a little bit.
This past weekend Patrick and Julia moved out. So we have been spending ALOT of time moving things around and cleaning the apartment. They moved right across the street and are in a different ward, but they go to the same building so we will still see them.
Anyway, until next time..which hopefully isn't too long..have a great day!
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